Use following options to compose your card:
Сard view options
Standart (white background, picture is on the top)
Vertical (white background, picture is on the left)
Simple-"r" (no background, picture is on the right)
Simple-"l" (no background, picture is on the left)
Simple-"t" (no background, picture is on the top)
card's background
-- Without background --
Flying hearts
Hearts mosaic
Hearts - 1
Hearts - 2
Hearts - 3
Water-colors - 1
Water-colors - 2
White roses
In bright colors
Stained-glass windows
Blue traces
Burning strikes
Birthday - balloons
Rainy day
Yellow chain
Yellow flame
Green guilting
Green leaves
Green rhombus
Stony ornament
Hauberk of the hell
Red roses on the black background
Fall of the leaves
Wet asphalt
Sea coast
New Year theme
Love song
Strikes of roses
Iridiscent corals
Hearts of different colors
Rosy gifts
Roses on the pink background
Roses in a net
Airplane in the sky
Marble of light colors
Waterblue waves
Blue corals
Squared copybook
Ruled copybook
Music book
Bright saltwort
-- Без музыки --
День Победы
--, "С днем рождения"
из к/ф "17 мнгновений весны", "К дому"
из к/ф "17 мгновений весны", "О секундах"
из к/ф "Love Story"
из к/ф "X-Files"
из к/ф "Белое солнце пустыни"
из к/ф "Берегись автомобиля"
из к/ф "Бриллиантовая рука", "Песня Про Зайцев"
из к/ф "Бриллиантовая рука", "Остров Невезения"
из к/ф "Буратино"
из к/ф "Джентельмены удачи"
из к/ф "Здравствуйте, я ваша тетя"
из к/ф "Ирония судьбы.."
из к/ф "Ирония судьбы..": "Никого.."
из к/ф "Истребители"
из к/ф "Кавказская пленница"
из к/ф "Карнавальная ночь"
из к/ф "Карнавал","Позвони мне, позвони"
из к/ф "Кин-Дза-Дза"
из к/ф "Кубанские казаки"
из к/ф "Мой ласковый и нежный зверь"
из к/ф "Мортал Комбат"
из к/ф "Back в Будущее"
из к/ф "Охотники за привидениями"
из м/ф "Падал прошлогодний снег"
из к/ф "Полицейский из Беверли-Хилз"
из к/ф "Приключения Буратино"
из к/ф "Приключения Шерлока Холмса"
из к/ф "Приключения Электроника"
из к/ф "Профессионал", "Chi Mai"
из к/ф "Розовая пантера"
из к/ф "Служили два товарища"
из к/ф "Терминатор"
из к/ф "Титаник"
из к/ф "Чародеи"
из к/ф "Человек дождя"
из к/ф "Шерлок Холмс"
из к/ф "Щит и меч","Родина"
из м/ф "Доктор Айболит", Песенка Бармалея
из м/ф "Король Лев"
из м/ф "Маленькая Русалочка"
из м/ф "Пластилиновая ворона"
из м/ф "Приключения кота Леопольда"
из м/ф "Следствие ведут Колобки"
из м/ф "Флинстоуны"
из м/ф "Чебурашка", "День рожденья"
из м/ф "Чебурашка", "Голубой вагон"
из м/ф "Чип & Дейл"
из м/ф "Чунга-Чанга"
из м/ф Aladdin, "Arabian nights"
из м/ф Aladdin, "Prince Ali"
из м/ф Aladdin, "Whole new world"
из т/передачи "Кинескоп"
из т/передачи "Что, где, когда?"
--, "Амурские waves"
--,"В лесу родилась елочка"
--, С новым годом!
--, В лесу родилась елочка
--, Jingle Bells
--, "В лесу родилась елочка" (remix)
--, "Валенки"
--, "Дубинушка"
--, "Капитан-Капитан"
--, "Коробейники"
--, "Метель"
--, "Ой, цветет калина..."
--, "Подмосковные вечера"
--, "Прощание Славянки"
--, "Черный кот"
Гимн России
Агутин, Варум, "Королева"
Академия, "Зараза"
Апина, "Электричка"
Балаган Лимитед, "Че те надо"
Бах, "Fur Maria"
Бах, "Violin Concerto"
Бах, "Брандебургский концерт"
Бах, "Токатта Ре-минор"
Бах, "Брандебургский концерт"
БГ, "Город золотой"
Белый Орел, "Потому что нельзя"
Бетховен, "К Элизе"
Бетховен, "Лунная соната"
Браво, "Будь со мной"
Браво, "Вася"
Вопли Видоплясова, "Весна"
Воскресение, "Музыкант"
Воскресение, "Дорога разочарований"
Воскресение, "Я сам из тех.."
Газманов, "Морячка"
ДДТ, "Осень"
ДДТ - Love
Долина, "Погода в доме"
ДТТ, "Дождь"
Дюна, "Фонарики"
Жасмин, "Долгие дни"
Земфира, "Ариведерчи"
Земфира, "Искала"
Земфира, "Не отпускай"
Земфира, "п.м.м.л."
Земфира, "Хочешь"
Иванов, "На франзузской стороне.."
Иванушки International, "Колечко"
Каас П., "Sweet Dreams"
Кино, "Группа крови"
Кино, "Звезда по имени.."
Киркоров, "Зайка моя"
Киркоров, "Милая"
Комбинация, "Амэрикен бой"
Корнелюк, "Две звезды"
Королева, "Маленькая страна"
Ласковый май, "White roses"
Лебединский, "Лодочник"
Лоза, "Плот"
Любе, "Батька Махно"
Машина времени, "Свеча"
Мендельсон, "Свадебный марш"
Метов К., "Тебя со мною нет"
Моцарт, "40-я симфония"
Моцарт, "Турецкий марш"
Мумий Тролль, "Невеста"
Мумий Тролль, "Владивосток 2000"
Наутилус Помпилиус, "Америка"
Наутилус Помпилиус, "Крылья"
Наутилус Помпилиус, "На берегу"
Наутилус Помпилиус, "Одной цепью"
Овсиенко, "Солнце мое"
Профессор Лебединский, "Лодочник"
Пугачева, "Love похожая на сон"
Пугачева, "Миллион алых роз"
Пугачева, "Позови меня с собой"
Ротару, "Lavaнда"
Секрет, "Hi"
Сплин, "Орбит без сахара"
Сюткин и Ko, "7000 над Землей"
Чайковский, "Лебединое Озеро"
Чайф, "Никто Не Услышит"
Чиж & Ко, "О Любви"
Шуфутинский, "Гостиница"
Шуфутинский, "Путана"
ABBA, "Happy New Year"
ABBA, "Money, Money"
ABBA, "Waterloo"
ABBA, "Winner takes it all"
Ace of base, "All that she wants"
Ace of base, "Beautiful Life"
Ace of base, "Dont turn around"
Ace of base, "Happy nation"
Ace of base, "Wheel of fortune"
A-ha, "Scoundrel days"
A-ha, "Stay on these roads"
A-ha, "Take on me"
Alphaville, "Bigjapan"
Annie Lennox, "Don't ask me why"
Annie Lennox, "Here comes the rain again"
Annie Lennox, "It's all right"
Annie Lennox, "Sweet dreams"
Annie Lennox, "There must be an angel"
Baccara, "Макарена"
BackstreetBoys, "All i have to give"
BackstreetBoys, "As long as you love me"
BackstreetBoys, "Everybody"
BackstreetBoys, "Get down"
BackstreetBoys, "I'll never break your heart"
BackstreetBoys, "Quit playing games"
BackstreetBoys, "We got it going on"
Bad Boys Blue, "You are woman"
Bellini, "Samba De Janero"
Billy Joel, "Captain Jack"
Billy Joel, "Honesty"
Billy Joel, "Leningrad"
Billy Joel, "Matter of trust"
Billy Joel, "Nocturne"
Billy Joel, "Piano man"
Billy Joel, "River of dreams"
Billy Joel, "Uptown girl"
BloodhoundGang, "Fire Water Burn"
Blur, "Song N2"
Bob Marley, "I shot the sheriff"
Bob Marley, "Jammin"
Bob Marley, "No woman, no cry"
Bon Jovi, "Always"
Bruce Springstein, "Born in the USA"
Bruce Springstein, "Streets of Philadelphia"
Bryan Adams, "Everything I do"
Bryan Adams, "Have you ever ..."
Bryan Adams, "Heaven"
Bryan Adams, "Please forgive me"
Captain Hollywood, "More&more"
Cardigans, "Lovefool"
Cardigans, "My favourite game"
Celine Dion, "Any other way"
Celine Dion, "Because you loved me"
Celine Dion, "It's all coming back"
Celine Dion, "My heart will go on"
Celine Dion, "Power of the dream"
Cher, "Believe"
Chris de Burgh, "Crusader"
Chris de Burgh, "Lady in red"
Chris de Burgh, "Missing"
Chris Rea, "Fool if you think it's over"
Chris Rea, "Josephine"
Chris Rea, "Road to hell"
Chris Rea, "Two roads"
Collective Soul, "The world i know"
Cranberries, "Ode to my family"
Cranberries, "Twenty one"
Cranberries, "Zombie"
Crash Test Dummies, "MMM.."
Cure, "Friday I`m In Love"
Dana Intrnational, "Diva"
Dave Stewart, "Lily was here"
Depeche Mode, "Enjoy the silence"
Depeche Mode, "I just cant get enough"
Depeche Mode, "Personal Jesus"
Depeche Mode, "Photographic"
Depeche Mode, "Strange love"
Depeche Mode, Theme
Dire Straits, "Brother in arms"
Dire Straits, "Calling Elvis"
Dire straits, "Money for nothing"
Dire Straits, "Romeo and Juliet"
Dire Straits, "Sultans of swing"
Dire straits, "Walk of life"
Dire straits, "Why worry"
Dr. Alban, "It's My life"
Duran Duran, "A view to kill"
Duran Duran, "Ordinary world"
Duran Duran, "Rio"
Eagles, "Hotel California"
Eiffel 65, "Blue"
Elton John, "Believe"
Elton John, "Blessed"
Elton John, "Candle in the wind"
Elton John, "Can you feel the love tonight"
Elton John, "Im still standing"
Elton John, "Nikita"
Elton John, "Sacrifice"
Elvis Presley, "Only you"
Emilia, "Big big world"
Enya, "Anywhere"
Enya, "Blue"
Enya, "Evfalls"
Enya, "Fairytal"
Enya, "Lothlori"
Enya, "Orielwin"
Enya, Theme
E-Type, "Here I go again"
Erasure, "Oh, L'amour"
Eric Clapton, "Let it grow"
Eric Clapton, "Wonderful tonight"
Europe, "The Final Countdown"
Ganor G., "I will survive"
Garbage, "Push it"
Garbage, "Stupid girl"
Garbage, "The World Is Not Enough"
Genesis, "Anyway"
Genesis, "Hairless heart"
Genesis, "Horizons"
Genesis, "I can't dance"
Genesis, "Invisible touch"
Genesis, "Jesus he knows me"
Genesis, "One more night"
Genesis, "Trick of the tail"
George Michael, "Careless whisper"
George Michael, "Jesus to a child"
Guns&Roses, "Don`t cry"
Guns&Roses, "November rain"
Guns&Roses, "Paradise city"
Haddaway, "What is love"
Jingle bell rock
Joan Osborne, "One of us"
Joe Cocker, "Leave your hat on"
Joe Cocker, "Summer in the city"
Joe Cocker, "You are so beautiful"
Joe Dassin, "A toi"
Joe Dassin, "Champs"
Joe Dassin, "Lameriqu"
Joe Dassin, "Lete indien"
Joe Dassin, "Sailing"
La Bouche, "Sweet dreams"
Led Zeppelin, "Stairway.."
Limp Bizkit, "Shtuck"
Madonna, "Cherish"
Madonna, "Frozen"
Madonna, "Holiday"
Madonna, "I'll remember"
Madonna, "La isla Bonita"
Madonna, "Like a prayer"
Madonna, "Rain"
Madonna, "Vogue"
Mariah Carey, "All i want for christmas"
Mariah Carey, "Anytime"
Mariah Carey, "Hero"
Mariah Carey, "Human touch"
Mariah Carey, "Music box"
Mariah Carey, "When i saw you"
Mariah Carey, "Without you"
Marylin Manson, "Antichrist Superstar"
Marylin Manson, "Sweet dreams"
Metallica, "Cure"
Metallica, "Enter sandman"
Metallica, "Fade to black"
Metallica, "King nothing"
Metallica, "Low man's lyric"
Metallica, "Mama said"
Metallica, "Master of puppets"
Metallica, "One"
Metallica, "Unforgiven"
Metallica, "Wherever i may roam"
Michael Jackson, "Billie Jean"
Michael Jackson, "Black or white"
Michael Jackson, "Do you remember"
Michael Jackson, "Give in"
Michael Jackson, "Liberean girl"
Michael Jackson, "Will you be there"
Modern Talking, "Cherry lady"
Natalie Imbruglia, "Torn"
Natalie Imbruglia, "Wishing i was there"
Nirvana, "About a girl"
Nirvana, "Come as you are"
Nirvana, "Heart shaped box"
Nirvana, "In his hands"
Nirvana, "Lake of fire"
Nirvana, "Lithium"
Nirvana, "Smells like teen spirit"
Nirvana, "The man who sold the world"
No Doubt, "Dont speak"
No Doubt, "Hey you"
No Doubt, "Spiderwebs"
NSync, "I want you back"
NSync, "Tearin up my heart"
Oasis, "All around the world"
Oasis, "Don't go away"
Oasis, "Don't look back in anger"
Oasis, "Stand by me"
Oasis, "Wonder wall"
Offspring, "All i want"
Offspring, "Pretty Fly"
Offspring, "Why Don't You Get A Job"
Paul Mauriat, из к/ф "God Father"
Pet Shop Boys, "Always on my mind"
Pet Shop Boys, "Go west"
Pet Shop Boys, "It's a sin"
Pet Shop Boys, "Liberation"
Pet Shop Boys, "Se a vida e"
Pet Shop Boys, "So hard"
Pet Shop Boys, "This kind of thinking"
Phil Collins, "Another day in paradise"
Phil Collins, "Do you remember"
Phil Collins, "Everyday"
Phil Collins, "One more night"
Phil Collins, "Take me home"
Phil Collins, "Two hearts"
Pink Floyd, "Another brick in the wall"
Pink Floyd, "Comfortably numb"
Pink Floyd, "Hey you"
Pink Floyd, "The Wall"
Piter Gabriel, "SledgeHammer"
Prince, "Belle of Saint Mark"
Prince, "Do me baby"
Prince, "Kiss"
Prince, "Most beautiful girl"
Prodigy, "No good"
Prodigy, "One love"
Prodigy, "Your love"
Queen, "Bohemian Rapsody"
Queen, "I'm Going Slightly Mad"
Queen, "Made in heaven"
Queen, "Radio gaga"
Queen, "Show must Go On"
Queen, "We are the champions"
Queen, "You dont fool me"
Red Hot Chilli Peppers, "Aeroplane"
Red Hot Chilli Peppers, "Californication"
Red Hot Chilli Peppers, "My friends"
Red Hot Chilli Peppers, "Under the bridge"
Rednex, "Cotton eyed joe"
REM, "Losing my religion"
Ricky Martin, "Living La Vida Loca"
Robert Miles, "Children"
Robert Miles, "Fable"
Robert Miles, "Landscape"
Robert Miles, "One and one"
Rolling Stones, "Angie"
Rolling Stones, "Citadel"
Rolling Stones, "Good time"
Rolling Stones, "Love is strong"
Rolling Stones, "Satisfaction"
Roxette, "Crash boom bang"
Roxette, "How do you do"
Roxette, "It must have been love"
Roxette, "Listen to your heart"
Roxette, "Sleeping in my car"
Roxette, "Spending my time"
RoyOrbison, "Pretty Woman"
Scatman John, "Scatman"
Scooter, "Friends"
Scooter, "How much is the fish"
Scooter, "Lovemess"
Scooter, "Raving"
Scorpions, "Send me an angel"
Scorpions, "Still loving you"
Scorpions, "Wind of change"
Scorpions, "You and i"
Sinatra F., "Stranger in theNight"
Spice Girls, "Mama"
Spice Girls, "Say you'll be there"
Spice Girls, "Spice up your life"
Spice Girls, "Wannabe"
Sting, "Englishman inNew York"
Sting, "EveryBreath You Take"
Sting, "Fields of gold"
Sting, "Fragile"
Sting, "I hung my head"
Sting, "If i ever lose my faith in you"
Sting, "Mad about you"
Sting, "Russians"
Sting, "Shape of my heart"
Streisand B., "Woman in Love"
T. Tikaram, "Twist in mySobriety"
TLC, "Red light special"
U2, "Everlasting love"
U2, "Hold me, Kiss me, Thrill me"
U2, "Mysterious ways"
U2, "New year`s day"
U2, "One"
U2, "Stay"
U2, "Your blue room"
Unlimited, "No Limit"
Unlimited, "Real thing"
Vanessa Mae, "Caprice N24"
Vanessa Mae, "Maysancl"
Vanessa Mae, "Storm"
Vanessa Mae, "The FourSeasons-1"
Vanessa Mae, "The FourSeasons-2"
Vanessa Mae, "The FourSeasons-3"
Vanessa Mae, "The FourSeasons-4"
Vanessa Mae, "The FourSeasons-5"
Vanessa Mae, "The FourSeasons-6"
Whitney Houston, "I have nothing at all"
Whitney Houston, "I will always love you"
Whitney Houston, "One moment in time"
Whitney Houston, "Saving all my love for you"
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waves (compact)
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